What is an eco-parent, you ask? An eco-parent not only buys green, but also watches the amount of water run by the children, potty trains a little earlier and reduces waste by buying used and selling or giving away their kids’ things rather than tossing them in a dumpster.
Over the past seven years, Little Treasures Kid’s Sale has generated a massive following of very smart moms and dads who are reducing the waste produced by having children by recycling nearly everything. What began as just plain, good commonsense, has now become the widely-accepted way to shop for children and we are forging the concept across our region.
Parents especially are feeling the strain of the times right now and whether motivated to reduce your carbon footprint or the ‘kid budget’, participating in our sale is a great way to tackle both. Plastic toys don’t end up in the landfill and some are even able to reduce their kid’s clothing budget to zero. What’s most important, however, is that we’re teaching our children not to be wasteful and reversing the mindset that got us into this.
So, thank you for being a part of our sale for many reasons...especially this one. Here are more great tips for green parenting:
1. Carpool, walk, bike, or take public transportation whenever possible.
2. Potty train a little earlier to reduce diaper waste.
3. Green cleaning is cheap and effective with natural ingredients like vinegar, baking soda, and lemon juice.
4. Don't be greenwashed. Manufacturers are trying to cash in on the green movement by making products appear green. Here's a helpful resource to know when to buy organic and when to save your money: http://thegreenparent.blogspot.com/2007/10/when-to-buy-organic.html
5. Adjust your thermostat just three degrees to save on your annual energy bill.
6. Turn off your (energy-efficient) lights when you leave the room. Did you know lighting accounts for 20% of your annual energy bill?
7. Stop throwing money out the window. Make sure they are insulated and weather-proofed.
8. Ditch disposable bottles. Fill up reusable bottles for free.
9. Buy in bulk, go in with friends if necessary.
10. Shorten the shower: You pay for the water in your shower three times...to buy it, to heat it, and to take it away. You'll help conserve water, too.
11. The biggest impact you can make? Tell your kids why your making these changes and teach them how to make a difference, too.